Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Bathroom Humor

Jeff took the kids to Lowe's yesterday to pick up some stuff for the house. While they were there, Michael said he needed to use the bathroom. While Michael was going potty, another man came in and was doing his thing. Michael said to Jeff, "He going potty?" Jeff said yes, he was. Then Michael said, "What's his name?" (Michael wants to know everyone's name lately.) Jeff said, "I don't know." Michael thought about that for a minute, then he said - very loudly, and very slowly - "MY.....NAME.....IS.....MIIIIIII.....CHAEL!" The mystery man cracked up. He left before Jeff and Michael exited their stall, so Jeff never actually saw him. But when they walked out, a man was standing outside the bathroom. As they walked by, Michael said, "He go potty?" Jeff didn't know whether to laugh or be embarrassed.

How's that for toilet humor?

1 comment:

Mandi said...

With the post title and first line, I thought you were going to tell a story about your now-potty-trained son attempting to use the display toilets at Lowe's. While it would have been a funny story, "MY NAME IS MIIIII....CHAEL!" is still funnier.